- December 6, 2013 - Google Glass Megapost (+ win an invite!)
- November 21, 2013 - <3s Threadless for Android Launch!
- November 20, 2013 - Design Patterns: iOS and Android – Dispatch Queues and AsyncTask
- September 15, 2013 - Impressions on Google Glass
- August 4, 2013 - Getting Back Into Video Games
- June 5, 2013 - Open Sourcing Stuff on Github
- April 26, 2013 - Hacking Google’s Text To Speech “API”
- March 15, 2013 - Google Reader and Skating to Where The Puck Used To Be
- January 23, 2013 - iOS Photo Editing Controls With A Custom Camera Overlay
- January 13, 2013 - Pharma Hack Update: Finally Gone
- December 12, 2012 - Winning at Jeopardy
- December 10, 2012 - Weird Dream Starring Cameron Diaz and Ellen Page
- July 22, 2012 - SXSW Panel Idea: Mashups – Noble Bootstrapping or Downright Stealing?
- June 24, 2012 - On Mapskrieg and craigslist Cease and Desist Requests
- June 21, 2012 - Pharma Hacked!
- May 8, 2012 - Yet Another Employment Announcement (And More Moving)
- March 19, 2012 - New Tumblr: People Walking Dogs
- March 13, 2012 - Google Play Vs. iTunes Match
- February 25, 2012 - Whole Foods Cereal Shill
- January 22, 2012 - Thoughts on Textbooks on iBooks
- January 2, 2012 - 2011: A Hung Truong Year In Review
- December 1, 2011 - Lucid Dreaming: Inception Style
- November 2, 2011 - Dropbox Referrals with Google Adwords
- September 23, 2011 - Facebook Trolling: Ticker Edition
- September 15, 2011 - An Important Announcement About My Employment Status (And T-Shirts)
- August 22, 2011 - Photo Hack Day NYC 2011 And My Hack: AllPaper
- August 13, 2011 - Summer Update: Bebarang Launch!
- July 19, 2011 - Thoughts on Spotify
- July 14, 2011 - Banana Republic (and Gap, etc.) Stores Passwords in Plain Text
- July 9, 2011 - Startup Incubation Week 5 Update!
- June 2, 2011 - Start Spreading The News… I’m Moving to NYC For The Summer!
- May 22, 2011 - New iPhone Ringtone: Nyan Cat
- May 19, 2011 - Threadless Shirt Meme: Pianos That Aren’t
- April 29, 2011 - Delayed Gratification in Engineering and Entrepreneurship
- April 25, 2011 - The Internet Is For… Downtime.
- April 8, 2011 - Mapskrieg iPhone/iPad App Launch!
- April 6, 2011 - Google, Bing, and SERP Copying: Additional Evidence?
- March 23, 2011 - ♥s Threadless for iPad Release!
- March 14, 2011 - Note to Myself about UISplitViewController and Auto-Rotation
- February 23, 2011 - Porting Mapskrieg to App Engine
- February 16, 2011 - Greplin Programming Challenge
- February 7, 2011 - Threadless Shirt – Tweet
- February 7, 2011 - iAd Vs. AdMob – Clicks, Fill Rate, Impressions, eCPM and Revenue
- February 3, 2011 - Instapaper Friendly – WordPress Plugin
- February 2, 2011 - Priceless: The Myth of Fair Value – Book Review
- February 1, 2011 - Automatic Checkins in Google Latitude
- January 26, 2011 - Fun Trolling Facebook Polls (For Science (Actually Lulz)!)
- January 24, 2011 - Instascriber: Automagically Add Content to Instapaper
- January 18, 2011 - U of M 2010 Mobile Apps Competition – FTW!
- January 7, 2011 - When Interaction Design Goes Bad: Airport Terminals
- January 6, 2011 - Impressions of Android From an iPhone User/Developer
- January 1, 2011 - Prediction for 2011: Death of the Phone
- December 31, 2010 - 2010: A Hung Truong Year In Review
- December 27, 2010 - Hung Truong: Threadless Model!
- December 6, 2010 - Letterpress Cactus Holiday Card
- December 1, 2010 - Conditional GETs in App Engine
- November 28, 2010 - ♥s Threadless: iPhone App Launch!
- November 20, 2010 - ObjTweet: Helper Class for Twitter on iOS
- November 12, 2010 - Letterpress Business Cards!
- October 20, 2010 - Letterpress in Apple iLife ’11
- October 17, 2010 - Facebook Information Download: Report Card
- October 14, 2010 - Letterpress Coasters – Giraffe!
- September 27, 2010 - New Addition To The Home: Mortimer The Letterpress!
- September 20, 2010 - foursquare 2.0 UX Sloppiness
- September 14, 2010 - Performance vs. Brand Advertising on iAd
- September 13, 2010 - Quora
- September 9, 2010 - What I Learned From Checkmate
- August 25, 2010 - Checkmate for Foursquare (for iPhone) Release!
- August 17, 2010 - Stupid Data Tricks: Facebook Names
- August 15, 2010 - What Happened to Yahoo (and What Could Happen to iAd)
- August 13, 2010 - Hung Truong on The Radio!
- August 12, 2010 - SXSW 2011 Panel Proposal: “Quitters Always Prosper” Please Vote!
- August 11, 2010 - Anime Nano iPhone App Update
- August 11, 2010 - Ingrid Michaelson at The Ark, Ann Arbor 8/9/10
- July 15, 2010 - Indian Pizza Hut Spam
- July 12, 2010 - The Angry Birds Secondary Market
- July 11, 2010 - Guile Theme Ringtone for iPhone
- July 9, 2010 - Hung Withdrew TWENTY TEN. Hung Sent Out K2. It’s Super Effective!
- July 2, 2010 - Thoughts and Predictions on Apple’s iAd Platform
- June 27, 2010 - Steam Slow Download Solution
- June 26, 2010 - Super Customer Service at the Apple Store
- June 25, 2010 - Rework: Book Review
- June 15, 2010 - Yo Dawg, I Herd You Like Apple Stores
- June 11, 2010 - Marmaduke: The Movie
- June 10, 2010 - Chase Bank Treats You Like A Child
- June 7, 2010 - Delivering Happiness: Book Review
- June 3, 2010 - Openbook Reveals Less Than Facebook’s Own Search
- April 28, 2010 - Amazon Ad Targeting Fail: IE8
- April 26, 2010 - Anime Nano iPhone App For Sale! (Free)
- April 23, 2010 - A Chat With Hung Truong
- April 22, 2010 - SXSW Student Startups Podcast Up!
- April 21, 2010 - Questions About Facebook And Data Portability
- April 20, 2010 - Fly Me To The Mars
- April 10, 2010 - The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything – Book Review
- April 7, 2010 - Cheesy Potato Cheddar Soup: Huge Success!
- April 7, 2010 - Bloggers: Get a Free Advance Copy of “Delivering Happiness” To Review!
- March 28, 2010 - Worth At Least 45 Seconds of Your Time…
- March 20, 2010 - SXSW 2010: My Panel Moderator Experience
- March 17, 2010 - SXSW 2010 Official Celebrity Sighting Namedropping Post!
- March 9, 2010 - New Hobby: Letterpress
- March 2, 2010 - Cheap: The High Cost of Discount Culture – Book Review
- February 21, 2010 - The Bird and The Bee – My New Favorite Band!
- February 13, 2010 - Proof That Apple is Obsessed With The Customer Experience
- February 6, 2010 - The Accidental Asian: Notes of a Native Speaker – Book Review
- January 30, 2010 - In Defense of Food: Book Review
- January 27, 2010 - Why the Apple iPad Will Fail
- January 17, 2010 - Urban Baby Bonnets
- January 16, 2010 - The Victorian Internet – Book Review
- January 12, 2010 - Harry Connick Jr. – Your Songs
- January 10, 2010 - New A-Team Movie in 2010!
- January 9, 2010 - Linked: How Everything is Connected to Everything Else – Book Review
- January 5, 2010 - The Last Lecture – Book Review
- December 20, 2009 - Connected: The Surprising Power of Social Networks and How They Shape Our Lives – Book Review!
- December 17, 2009 - Save the Date! Attend My Panel at SXSW 2010! 3/15/2010
- December 14, 2009 - The Worst User Experience I Have Ever Seen
- December 10, 2009 - Grocery Store Antics!
- November 30, 2009 - iRobot Roomba 530: Review!
- November 29, 2009 - Ender’s Game – Book Report!
- November 13, 2009 - Wii Fit Plus Review
- November 11, 2009 - They Might Be Giants at SoDo Showbox, Seattle WA 11/10/2009
- November 8, 2009 - How To Date a White Woman: A Practical Guide For Asian Men
- October 13, 2009 - Ingrid Michaelson at Neumos, Seattle 10/12/2009
- October 4, 2009 - Grocery Shopping in Seattle
- September 8, 2009 - Made It To Seattle!
- August 21, 2009 - Craigslist: Addiction!
- August 20, 2009 - SXSW 2010 Panel Proposal: Student Startups! Entrepreneurship in the University
- August 11, 2009 - Open vs. Proprietary Platforms
- August 6, 2009 - Windows 7 RC Impressions (on a PC!)
- August 4, 2009 - The Omnivore’s Dilemma: Book Report!
- July 27, 2009 - Did Library School Change Me?
- July 23, 2009 - Vitamin Water Sync: Free MP3s and Economics
- July 16, 2009 - To Google Voice or Not To Google Voice?
- July 15, 2009 - Segway Tour Impressions
- July 11, 2009 - Found Audio #01: Working Undercover For the Man
- July 6, 2009 - Found Audio: An Intro
- June 25, 2009 - Random Michael Jackson Flash Vids
- June 25, 2009 - Blockbuster Blu-Ray Quiz
- June 23, 2009 - Blade Runner – Blu Ray Edition Review
- June 22, 2009 - Recipe: Potato Broccoli Tofu Stir Fry! (PoBroccoFu Delight)
- June 18, 2009 - blink – Malcolm Gladwell: Book Report!
- June 9, 2009 - Free Birthday Stuff Adventure in Ann Arbor!
- June 9, 2009 - Firefox 3.5 beta 99 – Get Multitouch Gestures Back!
- June 8, 2009 - Quarterlife Crisis!
- June 6, 2009 - Shuffling and Randomizing Algorithms for Music Playlists
- June 1, 2009 - Microsoft Bing
- June 1, 2009 - Funny Google Adsense Typo
- May 25, 2009 - Prison Card Fight and Punishment!
- May 23, 2009 - Mindset: The New Psychology of Success
- May 21, 2009 - Wii Fit Anniversary!
- May 19, 2009 - Play Him Off, Pianica Human!
- May 18, 2009 - Freakonomics – Book Report!
- May 17, 2009 - The State of The Book (and Bookishness)
- May 10, 2009 - I’m in Ur Universities, Graduating Ur Programs
- April 26, 2009 - Stupid Facebook Fan Pages Considered Harmful
- April 25, 2009 - The Lime Green Nintendo DS (USA) Comes A Bit Late…
- April 21, 2009 - Kurt Elling and Ernie Watts at The Michigan Theater 04/16/09
- April 14, 2009 - Ann Arbor Duck Graffiti
- April 13, 2009 - On Customer Service and Giant Companies
- April 9, 2009 - Microsoft Cutting Back on Live Labs!
- April 9, 2009 - Andrew Bird at The Michigan Theater, 04/08/09
- March 31, 2009 - Thoughts on the Microsoft “Cheap PC” Ad
- March 29, 2009 - State of the Hung Truong Google Search Query, 3/2009
- March 28, 2009 - Earth Hour? What Happened to Earth Day?
- March 26, 2009 - Hung Truong: MSI Candidate
- March 23, 2009 - The Costs of Internet Fame: SI Visiting Days 2009
- March 21, 2009 - Yahoo’s HackU Event at the University of Michigan
- March 12, 2009 - Twitter? I Hardly Know Her!
- March 10, 2009 - Lincoln Center Jazz Orchestra with Wynton Marsalis in Ann Arbor 3/10/09
- March 10, 2009 - Going To SXSW!
- March 8, 2009 - Jonathan Coulton Show in Ann Arbor (The Ark) 3/6/09
- March 3, 2009 - Managing Rejection (And Success!)
- February 21, 2009 - Nacho Libre: Spam Magnet
- February 20, 2009 - Will Smith: Web Redesigner
- February 17, 2009 - John Linnell’s New Album For 2009!
- February 17, 2009 - Mucinex: The Booger Drug
- February 14, 2009 - Are You Smart?
- February 11, 2009 - Who Says Windows Should Get All The Bad Error Messages?
- February 11, 2009 - Dominos Ad Makers Are Jerks!!!
- January 27, 2009 - Offline Gmail != Revolutionary
- January 26, 2009 - Checkin’ Out XSLT
- January 22, 2009 - I Won a Facebook Contest!
- January 19, 2009 - 3 (Bad) Dream Combo!
- January 12, 2009 - Tropicana 2.0
- December 31, 2008 - Firefox 3.1 Beta 2 (With Mac OSX Trackpad Gestures!)
- December 30, 2008 - Hung’s Jazz Mix “Tape” 2008!
- December 29, 2008 - Dear Jimmy Wales:
- December 21, 2008 - A Visit To The Tokyo Hardcore Pop Culture Shoppe
- December 20, 2008 - IBM ThinkPad W700DS: DUAL SCREENS!?
- December 18, 2008 - Celebrating Wolfie’s Birthday
- December 13, 2008 - The Semi-Annual Post-Finals Bad Dream!
- November 30, 2008 - Trip To Seattle (+ Program Manager Interview With Microsoft)!
- November 23, 2008 - Sonny Stitt: Just In Case You Forgot How Bad He Really Was
- November 17, 2008 - Worst Thing Ever
- November 5, 2008 - Goin’ To Chicago (Interview with Orbitz)
- November 1, 2008 - Song Currently Stuck in My Head: Falling in Love With Love
- October 29, 2008 - Situational Comedy Television Show Idea: Hammer/Escher
- October 28, 2008 - Flu: The Shot
- October 27, 2008 - John Hodgman Book Signing at Ann Arbor Borders: #1165
- October 23, 2008 - The Amazon.com Garden Gnome Saga, Part 2
- October 20, 2008 - Did You Know Amazon.com Sells NCAA Garden Gnomes?a
- October 19, 2008 - Mega Man 9 Observations
- October 15, 2008 - Ingrid Michaelson: Be OK
- October 12, 2008 - Talking Pokemon With The Kids
- October 12, 2008 - Ted Dziuba == WIN!
- October 8, 2008 - Yahoo’s Job Site == Fail
- October 6, 2008 - DOM Vs. SAX: Only One Will Survive
- September 28, 2008 - Google’s 10^100 “Contest”
- September 23, 2008 - University of Michigan Job Fair ’08 + Facebook!
- September 9, 2008 - Spore Score Pwned By Amazon.com Users
- August 28, 2008 - Sweetcron: Roll Your Own Feed
- August 26, 2008 - Vote for SXSW Panels By Friday, August 29th!
- August 13, 2008 - New Glasses Time!
- August 9, 2008 - SXSW 2009 Presentation Submission + My Panel Picker Picks
- August 4, 2008 - Wii Fit Update: 2+ Months Later
- July 27, 2008 - After Life
- July 22, 2008 - Neat iPhone App: Shazam!
- July 18, 2008 - Bat Attack!
- July 18, 2008 - The Dark Knight: In IMAX!
- July 15, 2008 - Hardcore Rails/Server Troubleshooting Session!
- July 13, 2008 - Wii Fit: Fun With Linear Regression!
- July 11, 2008 - iPhone 3G GET!!!!
- July 10, 2008 - Mega Man 9 on WiiWare. AWESOME
- July 5, 2008 - The Google Shirt of Hostility
- July 4, 2008 - Song Currently Stuck in My Head: Ladies of The World
- July 1, 2008 - Wii Fit Anomalies! (Easter Eggs?)
- June 30, 2008 - (In)Famous Hung Truongs Who Aren’t Me
- June 28, 2008 - The Land Before Time – It Goes To XIII!
- June 27, 2008 - Baldur’s Gate II: Like Crack, But A Computer Game Version
- June 26, 2008 - Metal Gear Solid 4: Sorta Review
- June 21, 2008 - Wii Fit: One Month Later
- June 10, 2008 - Wii Fit Update
- June 8, 2008 - Setting The Crontab Environment For Your Ruby on Rails Jobs
- May 31, 2008 - Six Degrees: The Science of a Connected Age – Book Report
- May 31, 2008 - Facebook Removing Network Pages: WTF?
- May 29, 2008 - Youtube Slowness
- May 28, 2008 - Wii Fit – Mini Review
- May 27, 2008 - Nintendo Delivers on Lime Green DS!
- May 25, 2008 - This Week in Hung Truong: 5-25-08
- May 13, 2008 - Nacho Libre: Movie Review
- May 12, 2008 - PowerSet: Good For Searching Wikipedia!
- May 11, 2008 - The Meijer-Garfield Connection
- May 8, 2008 - Stats Project: Sociability of Musical Instruments Using Facebook Data
- May 7, 2008 - KVM DVI Switches: Why So Expensive!?
- May 5, 2008 - Jackie Chan iGoogle Theme
- May 4, 2008 - MapsKrieg in a Mashup Contest – Vote For Me!
- May 3, 2008 - Advance Wars: Days of Ruin
- April 30, 2008 - Filezilla: Update Whore
- April 29, 2008 - Observation: Bus Driver Camaraderie
- April 21, 2008 - Facebook Lexicon: Kinda Fun, But Useful?
- April 19, 2008 - Muxtape: Bringing Back The Art of The Mixtape
- April 16, 2008 - Fun Facebook Follies (Bugs)
- April 14, 2008 - Firefox 3 RC 5 Impressions
- April 13, 2008 - Final Fantasy IV? On DS!?
- April 9, 2008 - Facebook Feature: People You May Know
- April 8, 2008 - Google App Engine + Django == FAIL
- April 6, 2008 - Blogging Considered Harmful
- April 2, 2008 - Zattoo Non-Job/Internship Interview!
- March 26, 2008 - Now That’s What I Call REAL ULTIMATE HR!
- March 24, 2008 - Overheard in eCommerce Class…
- March 22, 2008 - Jazz Standard Currently Stuck In My Head: My Foolish Heart
- March 22, 2008 - This is Probably Slightly Unhealthy…
- March 9, 2008 - 2003: The Missing Blog Year
- March 8, 2008 - A Tale of Two Facebook Apps: Viral Vs. Non-Viral Growth
- March 6, 2008 - Fire Eagle Invite Get!
- February 27, 2008 - Fun With Rails and High-Performance Caching Mechanisms (Memcached)
- February 24, 2008 - Apple Internship Phone Interview + Verdict!
- February 14, 2008 - Overheard in Stats Class
- February 10, 2008 - Facebook Social Ads Really Work!!!
- February 9, 2008 - Microsoft Internship Response + Apple Phone Interview Get!
- February 5, 2008 - There IS Free Lunch!
- February 2, 2008 - Internship Status Update: Microsoft (Microhoo?) and Zazzle
- January 30, 2008 - Office Snapshots: A Blog With Snapshots… of Offices…
- January 28, 2008 - They Might Be Giants Podcast: 31A!
- January 22, 2008 - University of Michigan Internship Fair ’08
- January 20, 2008 - In Soviet Russia, Ms. Pac Man Plays… Ms. Pac Man?
- January 17, 2008 - Pianica GET! A Stunning Rendition of Oh Susannah!
- January 16, 2008 - Lincoln Center Jazz Orchestra and Wynton Marsalis in Ann Arbor 1-16-08!
- January 15, 2008 - Thoughts on the Macbook Air
- January 11, 2008 - Who Died In A Blogging Accident?
- January 6, 2008 - Internship Searching Season 2008
- December 31, 2007 - Out With Vista (New and Busted), In With XP (Old Hotness)
- December 20, 2007 - Google “Friends” = Worst Idea Ever
- December 19, 2007 - A Tirade Against Vista, Norton, Logitech, Et Alia
- December 14, 2007 - Ingrid Michaelson in Ann Arbor! (12/12/07)
- December 9, 2007 - SOCHI Google Android Design Challenge
- November 27, 2007 - Yahoo Guest Speaker: Bradley Horowitz
- November 25, 2007 - Jazz Song Currently Stuck In My Head: Stella By Starlight
- November 19, 2007 - $10 Holiday Sale at Threadless!
- November 18, 2007 - Pachebel’s Greatest Hit: A One-Hit Wonder
- November 14, 2007 - They Might Be Giants Concert @ The Mighican Theater!
- November 13, 2007 - They Might Be Giants: The Else – CD Review!
- November 7, 2007 - Banished From Boggle
- November 4, 2007 - The Meijer Free Sample Lady Saved My Life!
- November 2, 2007 - Orange Juice Snobbery
- October 27, 2007 - Facebook Internship Interview Result: Rejection! And Why I Like It…
- October 25, 2007 - An Uninvited Dream
- October 22, 2007 - Yay, Libraries! + Stumbling on Happiness – Book Review Sorta
- October 16, 2007 - And So Ends the Great Experiment…
- October 7, 2007 - Blue Moon, I Saw You Standing In The Ice Cream Aisle…
- October 4, 2007 - Facebook Information Session at Umich
- September 30, 2007 - University of Michigan Squirrel Club: First Meeting
- September 27, 2007 - Recruiting Day: Google and Yahoo
- September 26, 2007 - More Ann Arbor Observations
- September 18, 2007 - Sorry Arturo, It’s Over.
- September 16, 2007 - Go Bluegle!
- September 10, 2007 - So I Moved To Ann Arbor…
- August 14, 2007 - Will it Blend? That is the Question.
- August 8, 2007 - Illustrated HTTP Error Codes
- August 5, 2007 - Introducing Notecentric: Facebook Edition!
- July 24, 2007 - XPath: Learn It!
- July 19, 2007 - Pownce Beta Impressions Update: Uploads Work!
- July 18, 2007 - Pownce: Beta Impressions
- July 17, 2007 - How To Remove Annoying Gawker Internal Links
- July 16, 2007 - Gmail Loves Threadless!
- July 15, 2007 - GrandCentral Beta: Impressions
- July 13, 2007 - They Might Be Giants Podcast 27A: John Henry Demos!
- July 9, 2007 - Threadless Shirt That Doesn’t Suck! Boredom.
- June 30, 2007 - iPhone Impressions: Neat!
- June 28, 2007 - Amazon.com Wishlist => Huge River Wishlist
- June 24, 2007 - Google Developers Day US – Theorizing from Data
- June 22, 2007 - House MD Seasons One and Two!
- June 21, 2007 - i’m in like with you – Beta Impressions + Invites!
- June 20, 2007 - Spock – Person Search Engine Beta Impressions + Invites
- June 12, 2007 - Amazon.com Wishlist on Facebook Platform
- June 11, 2007 - Snorlax Owns You!
- June 11, 2007 - Writing an App for the Facebook Platform
- June 8, 2007 - The Fantastic Plastic Machine – The Guy
- June 1, 2007 - Mahalo: Worst Idea Ever (This Month)
- May 29, 2007 - Google Street View Easter Egg!
- May 29, 2007 - WSJ Article About Social Computing + Me!
- May 28, 2007 - Back From Michigan Trip!
- May 22, 2007 - Michigan Trip!
- May 20, 2007 - Orb + EVDO = Awesome!
- May 17, 2007 - Google Opens Their Offices In Ann Arbor! Plus Google Vs Meetup!
- May 14, 2007 - Facebook Marketplace – With Connections!
- May 13, 2007 - Alexa T-Shirts: WHY!?
- May 11, 2007 - Businesshackers Dot Com: Redefining “Lame”
- May 7, 2007 - The Facebook API: Somewhat Disappointing
- May 6, 2007 - Seriously, What Is The Deal With Twitter!?
- May 6, 2007 - MapsKrieg – Craigslist + Google Maps Mashup Launch!
- May 2, 2007 - Let Me Show You My Pokemans. Let Me Show You Them.
- May 2, 2007 - Craigslist and Google Maps Mashup Thingy: Day 14 – Getting Jquery and Prototype to Work Together
- May 1, 2007 - Craigslist and Google Maps Mashup Thingy: Day 12+13 – Dot Com and Cities
- April 29, 2007 - Craigslist and Google Maps Mashup Thingy: Day 11 – More Random Code
- April 28, 2007 - Craigslist and Google Maps Mashup Thingy: Day 10 – Custom Controls and Housekeeping
- April 28, 2007 - Punch Out on Wii Virtual Console!
- April 27, 2007 - Whos Says Myspace’s UI Isn’t Good?
- April 25, 2007 - Craigslist and Google Maps Mashup Thingy: Day 9 – CSS Foo and CakePHP Helpers
- April 22, 2007 - Jonathan Coulton: The Other, Other, Other John
- April 22, 2007 - Craigslist and Google Maps Mashup Thingy: Day 8 – CakePHP Routing and Caching
- April 21, 2007 - Craigslist and Google Maps Mashup Thingy: Day 7 – Asynchronous JavaScript and XML!
- April 21, 2007 - Facebook Vs. Orkut: What Do Googlers Think?
- April 18, 2007 - Nintendo Wii – Super Paper Mario Mini Review
- April 12, 2007 - Craigslist and Google Maps Mashup Thingy: Day 6 – MySQL Refactoring
- April 12, 2007 - Facebook Programming Puzzles – Prime Bits Revisited
- April 10, 2007 - Ask.com on Google?
- April 10, 2007 - Craigslist and Google Maps Mashup Thingy: Day 5 – CakePHP
- April 8, 2007 - Craigslist and Google Maps Mashup Thingy: Day 4
- April 8, 2007 - Craigslist and Google Maps Mashup Thingy: Day 3
- April 6, 2007 - Craigslist and Google Maps Mashup Thingy: Day 2
- April 5, 2007 - Craigslist and Google Maps Mashup Thingy: Day 1
- March 30, 2007 - Facebook Programming Puzzles – A Boatload of Fun?
- March 30, 2007 - University of Michigan: More News (Good News!)
- March 27, 2007 - Google College Days Interview and Visit: Impressions + Verdict
- March 27, 2007 - Michigan SI Visiting Days: Impressions
- March 21, 2007 - In March, Hung Joins The Jet Set
- March 21, 2007 - The Come In/Go Away Welcome/Unwelcome Mat!
- March 15, 2007 - Wii Play for Nintendo Wii – Review
- March 14, 2007 - Hung Truong: In PHP!
- March 12, 2007 - LocoRoco for Sony PSP – Sorta Review
- March 5, 2007 - Threadless Spring Broke Sale – $10 T-Shirts!
- March 4, 2007 - Family Feud – Starring J. Peterman!
- March 1, 2007 - Grad School Update: Michigan
- February 22, 2007 - Always Have Exact Change With Only 10 Coins!
- February 21, 2007 - Toothpaste For Dinner: Awesome Webcomic
- February 19, 2007 - PS2 – Karaoke Revolution Party Review
- February 19, 2007 - Google Update: Invitation to Google College Days
- February 18, 2007 - Dream: Door to Door Pig Salesman
- February 13, 2007 - Each Day is Valentine’s Day
- February 12, 2007 - Song Currently Stuck In My Head: Fame!
- February 9, 2007 - Google Phone Interview #1: The Aftermath
- February 6, 2007 - Cooking Mama DS Sort Of On Sale At Amazon.com
- February 5, 2007 - Because The Graphics On Level 3 Aren’t Gonna Tighten Themselves Up…
- February 5, 2007 - Google Phone Interview Set For February 9th!
- February 5, 2007 - Final Fantasy IV (6, or 3…) Out For Gameboy Advance Today!
- February 3, 2007 - Vulnerabilities In The Mechanical Turk Search For Jim Gray
- February 2, 2007 - Google Phone Interview Get!
- February 1, 2007 - Nintendo Wii Component Cables: Impressions
- February 1, 2007 - Installing The RMagick Rubygem On Media Temple’s DV
- January 31, 2007 - Panflute Flowchart T-Shirt: Ordered!
- January 30, 2007 - Ruby on Rails on Media Temple’s (dv) on Plesk on…
- January 29, 2007 - Wii Sports – Baseball
- January 26, 2007 - Hung Truong Is The Sexiest Man Alive: The Song!
- January 22, 2007 - I Finally Got A Nintendo Wii! Wii First Impressions.
- January 20, 2007 - Nintendo Power – Now You’re Playing With Power!
- January 16, 2007 - Giant Steps Reunion! Ska Lives! Maybe…
- January 9, 2007 - 4 Reasons Why The Apple iPhone Will Fail
- January 8, 2007 - Presenting UNM Tactics: The Video Game!
- January 7, 2007 - College Saga – If College Were Like An RPG
- January 3, 2007 - Wirefly Mobile Store Review
- January 3, 2007 - PS3 Apparently Not So Much In Demand Anymore…
- January 1, 2007 - New Mexico Snow Rescue!
- December 30, 2006 - I Purchased A Playstation 3 on Amazon.com: Should I Keep It?
- December 28, 2006 - Nintendo DS – Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Impressions
- December 19, 2006 - John Hodgman Reads “The Areas of My Expertise” Outloud For Free!
- December 18, 2006 - Classic Hung Truong Movie: Hellevator
- December 15, 2006 - New Camera: Casio Exilim EX-Z70
- December 13, 2006 - Humping Dog USB!
- November 27, 2006 - Jazz Song Currently Stuck In My Head: You’d Be So Nice To Come Home To
- November 23, 2006 - Xbox 360 For $100 at Amazon.com: Live Blogging!
- November 19, 2006 - Where’s My Lime Green Wii, Nintendo!?
- November 18, 2006 - To Mac, or Not To Mac... Part 2
- November 14, 2006 - Reviewme.com – Pay Per Reviews
- November 13, 2006 - The 30 Days of Threadless $10 Holiday Sale!
- November 4, 2006 - You’ll Never Believe This!!!
- October 31, 2006 - Pumpkin Carving 101
- October 26, 2006 - Google Information Session
- October 23, 2006 - New Threadless $10 T-Shirt Sale ’til Wednesday
- October 21, 2006 - Zia Marching Festival 2006!
- October 17, 2006 - Media Temple Offers “Grid-Server” Hosting
- October 15, 2006 - Steve Sutton: Creepy Internet Star!
- September 26, 2006 - Firefox 2 RC1 Impressions
- September 25, 2006 - Joe Mathlete Explains Today’s Marmaduke
- September 19, 2006 - MyPostItSecret – Really Lame Marketing
- September 12, 2006 - Jazz Song Currently Stuck In My Head: My Romance
- September 1, 2006 - Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories First Impressions
- August 27, 2006 - Notecentric.com Is Open For Business!
- August 22, 2006 - To Prove To Dad I’m Not A Fool
- August 20, 2006 - T-Shirt Grab Bag at Thinkgeek.com
- August 16, 2006 - Back To School Threadless $10 Sale!
- August 7, 2006 - New Threadless T-Shirts That Don’t Suck!
- August 4, 2006 - The Popularity Dialer: Makes You Look Important…
- August 4, 2006 - Get A Customized Message From Samuel L Jackson! For Snakes on a Plane!
- July 25, 2006 - Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories Pre-order at NIS America!
- July 24, 2006 - Asian Guys Doing Karaoke (Badly)
- July 19, 2006 - Why David Letterman Is Clearly Superior to Jay Leno
- July 13, 2006 - Pandora Internet Radio – Find Music You Like!
- July 12, 2006 - Mogu People Pillows – WTF!?
- July 10, 2006 - Cobalt Flux – GET!
- July 5, 2006 - What Not to Do With Your PS2
- June 22, 2006 - How To Stop RSS Scrapers From Stealing Your Content. Plus Revenge!
- June 20, 2006 - I Need Your Help! Which Glasses Should I Get!?
- June 16, 2006 - Nintendo DS Lite Get!
- June 8, 2006 - George Lucas (Lukas) is a Spammer!
- June 1, 2006 - Anime Nano, na no!
- May 28, 2006 - Of Ancient Japan, Giant Enemy Crabs, Massive Damage, and Riiiiddggeee Racerrrrr!!!
- May 27, 2006 - The Sheep Market: 10,000 Badly Drawn Sheep!
- May 26, 2006 - Thinkgeek Merch Awesomeness!
- May 23, 2006 - American Red Cross Hearts Threadless T-Shirts
- May 22, 2006 - To Mac, or Not To Mac…
- May 14, 2006 - Firefox – Take Back The Web; Give Us Your RAM!
- May 12, 2006 - Yet More Cool Stuff From Japan!
- May 4, 2006 - DS Lite Gets US Date, Price
- May 1, 2006 - The Super Soaker Oozinator…
- April 28, 2006 - Will Wii Rock You? The Nintendo Revolution Gets a Name Change…
- April 25, 2006 - New Super Mario Bros. Website Up!
- April 20, 2006 - Dual Monitors increase productivity by 20-30%, Cost by 100%
- April 12, 2006 - Google Calendar Released Tonight!
- April 12, 2006 - The Love-Hate T-Shirt!
- April 10, 2006 - New Threadless Shirts. And Songs About Them!?
- April 6, 2006 - What Happens in Denver Stays in Denver, Unless…
- April 6, 2006 - My American Idol Audition Experience!
- April 4, 2006 - New Japanese Tounge-Twister Discovered!
- March 31, 2006 - Device Warns You If You’re Being A Noob
- March 30, 2006 - Grow Your Own 1up Mushroom!
- March 30, 2006 - Fighting The Common Cold With Cold-Eeze!
- March 27, 2006 - Cool Shwag From Jlist: Final Fantasy XII Potion, Question Mark Box Bank, Sound Effect Capsule Toy, Busted Pocari Sweat!
- March 26, 2006 - Science Sez: Most People Think They Are Above Average; Are Wrong
- March 25, 2006 - Super Michael Jackson Brothers!
- March 25, 2006 - Guilty Gear Isuka: I Think I’m Getting Too Old For This…
- March 24, 2006 - Calamine – Dreamy Pop
- March 23, 2006 - Japanese Catch Up Time!
- March 23, 2006 - The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass = Friggin Zelda DS!
- March 22, 2006 - Tetris DS = In Stores!
- March 22, 2006 - Cooking Mama DS Demo Video
- March 14, 2006 - Eurotech’s WWPC Runs Linux on Your Wrist!
- March 14, 2006 - Happy Pi Day, Bitches!
- March 13, 2006 - Galbadia Hotel = More Video Game Music/Art Than You Can Handle!
- March 10, 2006 - YAFFPP: Final Fantasy XII Potion Available at Jlist.com!
- March 10, 2006 - I’m Back from the Mountain West Basketball Tournament!
- March 7, 2006 - Spring Break: Mountain West Conference!
- March 7, 2006 - Where the Nerdy Girls Are
- March 7, 2006 - Final Fantasy XII Potion Taste Test!
- March 6, 2006 - Threadless.com Ctrl+Z Reprinted Again!
- March 6, 2006 - Japanese People Master T-Shirt Folding. Up Next, Potato Peeling!
- March 5, 2006 - Real Life Simpsons?
- March 4, 2006 - Final Fantasy XII Potion Commercial!
- March 3, 2006 - Japanese Pick Top 100 Video Games of All Time
- March 3, 2006 - Puzzle Alarm Clock Makes Sure You’re Awake!
- March 2, 2006 - Countdown to Mother 3!
- March 1, 2006 - Awesome Choose Your Own Adventure Photoshopping!
- February 28, 2006 - Google Page Creator: Test Drive!
- February 28, 2006 - Fun New Apple Products: Intel Mac Mini, iPod Hi-Fi, and Leather iPod Case
- February 27, 2006 - Final Fantasy XII Potion! Only $12.50 a Pop!
- February 26, 2006 - Super Princess Peach Comes Out Tomorrow!
- February 26, 2006 - Smackdown vs. Raw 2006 on PSP: Loading Time Analysis
- February 24, 2006 - Have You Heard Of Montreal?
- February 24, 2006 - Albert Einstein says the darndest things!
- February 22, 2006 - Of DDR and Thievery
- February 20, 2006 - Threadless.com Reprint! + Secret Sale!
- February 20, 2006 - Word of the Day: titivate
- February 18, 2006 - Toby Dawson – My Olympic Doppleganger?
- February 16, 2006 - T-Shirt Gallery Now Operational!
- February 12, 2006 - David Hasselhoff – Hooked on a Feelin’
- February 11, 2006 - New Super Mario Brothers DS Video!
- February 10, 2006 - Generation of Chaos Preorders Online!
- February 10, 2006 - Nintendo DS lite Official Colors Announced
- February 10, 2006 - Elements of Modern Web Design
- February 8, 2006 - My Mom got this in the mail…
- February 7, 2006 - The IT Crowd
- February 6, 2006 - Live Green, Go Yellow!?
- February 5, 2006 - Best Buy Wall Numbers: Decoded!
- February 2, 2006 - How Japanese See America
- February 1, 2006 - Shojo Manga! Girl Power!
- January 31, 2006 - Novint Falcon: Haptic Device Test Drive!
- January 29, 2006 - Video Game Endings
- January 28, 2006 - Consumating: kinda like nerdspace
- January 28, 2006 - Japanese For Beginners
- January 28, 2006 - Blogs of the Day
- January 24, 2006 - Email notifications!
- January 23, 2006 - T-Shirts I would buy, were I so inclined…
- January 22, 2006 - Mensa Intelligence Test
- January 21, 2006 - Goetze’s!?
- January 20, 2006 - New Blog: Take 5
- January 3, 2006 - My first DDR arcade experience!
- December 14, 2005 - Everyone’s a Lobo (woof woof woof)
- December 6, 2005 - Yet another new blog.
- December 1, 2005 - How Deep is the Ocean?
- November 28, 2005 - God, shave me!
- November 17, 2005 - RPOTD
- November 14, 2005 - Threadless.com $10 sale!
- November 9, 2005 - Google Print!
- November 7, 2005 - Oops I bought it again.
- November 6, 2005 - Songs about Dustin Hoffman
- November 5, 2005 - Death by 'ffeine?
- October 27, 2005 - Blingo, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways…
- October 22, 2005 - Chicken Choking 101
- October 15, 2005 - Shazam!
- October 15, 2005 - Free Scoop Night!
- October 14, 2005 - Blingo!
- October 14, 2005 - New Journal!
- October 9, 2005 - Hat Hair!
- October 5, 2005 - Holy Cheetos Cross!
- October 5, 2005 - Insane Mario Fanart
- October 5, 2005 - Rock Paper Scissors Spock Lizard
- September 26, 2005 - Attack Dolphins On the Loose!
- September 13, 2005 - I dream of Listerine
- September 9, 2005 - Threadless Charity T-Shirt
- September 8, 2005 - Gojira no Tamago! Godzilla’s Egg! Not.
- August 15, 2005 - Ctrl+Z. I wish.
- August 7, 2005 - Japanese people create remote control women!
- August 3, 2005 - South Korea Is First to Clone Dog!
- June 9, 2005 - Free MP3s on Amazon.com
- June 2, 2005 - Threadless.com T-Shirts
- May 11, 2005 - Neverlate Bought’en
- February 2, 2005 - Tall or Not?
- January 18, 2005 - Neverlate 7-day alarm clock!
- November 15, 2004 - Dog toy or marital aid?
- October 20, 2004 - Some Crazy Meme
- October 18, 2004 - Prison Rave!
- October 5, 2004 - Et tu, Steve?
- September 14, 2004 - Rugby Players For Truth
- September 10, 2004 - Bush Vs. Jesus
- June 22, 2004 - From Firefox!
- June 13, 2004 - ubid.com Banner ad!
- June 8, 2004 - Weird stuff on Amazon!
- May 31, 2004 - RoboTaps
- May 22, 2004 - T-shirt folding!!!
- May 20, 2004 - Nigerian 419 Scam!
- May 18, 2004 - Your portrait… AND STEVIE NICKS!
- May 15, 2004 - Cicadas are dangerous to your children!
- May 11, 2004 - I am asian
- April 22, 2004 - Free Scoop Night!
- March 20, 2004 - Moblog!
- February 12, 2004 - Dude, you’re going to jail!
- February 11, 2004 - Comcast Proposes to Buy Walt Disney
- January 5, 2004 - BestBuy’s Mad PS Skillz
- December 22, 2003 - Terror alert!
- November 10, 2003 - Self Imaging!
- October 6, 2003 - Alleged assaulter formally charged!
- September 12, 2003 - I’m Published!
- September 10, 2003 - Amazom.com!!!
- September 4, 2003 - Music Industry to provide amnesty!
- July 10, 2003 - And do it… EEEEBAY!
- May 5, 2003 - Hiker cuts off his own arm!?
- April 9, 2003 - Fun with Ebay!
- February 12, 2003 - All the king’s horses?
- February 11, 2003 - It’s true!
- February 8, 2003 - Which OS are you!?
- February 2, 2003 - Blog or not!?
- January 16, 2003 - Bananas in Danger!
- December 9, 2002 - Voice Recognition Craziness
- December 5, 2002 - Teeth Pulling
- December 2, 2002 - Hooked on a Feelin’
- November 22, 2002 - Dream
- November 20, 2002 - Dyquil?
- November 12, 2002 - New Keyboard = Awesome Keys
- November 2, 2002 - How Can I Sing Like A Girl?
- October 30, 2002 - Ghosts, Latin, and Ghosts Learning Latin?
- October 29, 2002 - Broken ‘V’ – Not The New Mighty Ducks Movie
- October 27, 2002 - Ice kicking 101
- October 21, 2002 - Who Built the Labyrinth?
- October 17, 2002 - Yabba Dabba What!?
- September 18, 2002 - Totally Random and Useless Post
- September 12, 2002 - Sept. 11 – The Cheesy Song
- August 20, 2002 - Sunburn. Again.
- August 11, 2002 - Hello? World?
- August 10, 2002 - This Is When I’d Put Anything In My Blog…
- August 9, 2002 - Site News
- August 9, 2002 - Hello World. What’s the Buzz?