Weird Dream Starring Cameron Diaz and Ellen Page
I had a weird dream that won’t fit into Twitter, so I might as well write it down here since my blog hasn’t seen much love lately.
This was the sort of dream where I’m watching a movie. The movie starred Cameron Diaz and Ellen Page as two roommates (or some people living in the same house) who have recently become zombified. Apparently they’re fighting to survive in a dream/cyber world with other people in the same predicament. Now that I think of it, the plot resembles a modern Beetlejuice.
For some reason, Tina Fey was cast as their PR specialist. In one scene, Page and Diaz dump off Fey at the beach, along with one of their boyfriends. Apparently they don’t want their significant others and family worrying about the fact that they’re zombies now, so they leave without a word. I wasn’t sure how the family didn’t notice the smell (maybe they were being polite).
If someone can get this green-lighted I’m sure I can fill in the rest of the details.