New Tumblr: People Walking Dogs
When Betsy left to work at Razorfish, I decided to commandeer her desk. It’s really nice. It has lots of natural sunlight and a good view (minus Atkins’ head). One thing I noticed right away is that a lot of people walk their dogs along the street in front of said window. Maybe it’s just the unseasonal crazy nice weather. Anyway, I decided to start a Tumblr of pictures of people walking their dogs. Why? Why not?
Mostly this is a way to practice my camera phone slinging skills. I’m not used to swiping up to get to the camera (it’s a new iOS 5.1 gesture)! Also, I have a theory that once something becomes sufficiently easy to do, there’s really no reason not to do it. So, while it lasts, please enjoy my photos of people walking their dogs outside my office window. Hopefully I will get a book deal soon.