Cobalt Flux – GET!

Well, it’s not quite gotten, but I won and paid for a Cobalt Flux on eBay, and it shipped today. Hopefully it’ll work and stuff. I’d been thinking of getting one for a while, since my DDR skills had advanced a bit (and lost some weight) since this:
Right now I’m using a normal pad, but upgrading to the kick ass metal pad should help me get better scores. Like the Power Glove! It cost a pretty penny ($280 shipped), but it also came with two games that I already have. So I can auction those off to bring the price down. Usually they go for $300 new plus like $50 for shipping. Plus you have to wait two weeks!
In all, I’m calculating that I saved about $100 (after I sell the extra games). These DDR Pads are supposed to be pretty sturdy, so hopefully that means I don’t get a dud. I guess I’ll have a full review up once I play on the pads!