Japanese Catch Up Time!
So during my basketball band absence, I missed a lot of class. In fact, I almost forgot which room one of my classes was in when I came back. Seriously. Anyway, I’ve got tons of Japanese homework to make up, so here I am, writing a blog about it!
Actually, I’ve already done 2 of 6 required homeworks, and my brain is pretty much dead. Learning languages takes quantity studying, not quality. That is, it’s better to study Japanese 3 times for 20 minutes than once for 60 minutes. So I’m gonna slowly catch up.
Also, I don’t think our teacher really cares if I turn stuff in somewhat late. She didn’t even realize I wasn’t there on Monday! Of course, she also routinely mixes me up with another Asian that’s in the class, so whatever. You’d think she could tell our kind apart, what with her whole field of study being ASIANS!
Am I ranting now? That means it’s sleepy time!